Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Taylor Lautner Describes “Lifelong Bond” for Jacob and Renesmee in ‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2′

In the past, Lautner has said he found the metaphysical mechanics of it all a bit confusing. But talking to Stephenie Meyer and diving back into the book got him more comfortable with the notion of being in love with a child. “Everybody likes to teaseme about it,” he says. “Everyone thinks it’s so funny, and I laugh along with them, but it’s important for me to keep in my mind that it’s as simple as a lifelong bond. It’s not nearly as creepy as everybody likes to joke.

That “everybody” includes Robert Pattinson, needless to say. “Oh, I can’t wait till he has to do live TV,” Pattinson says of Lautner with a gleeful cackle. “Did you ask him if his taste in women has changed? The first scene I saw them together, I literally could not stop laughing. I wouldn’t have been able to do it.”

Lautner remains resolute: “I think people will be very happy with the whole imprinting

Source: TwilightersAnonymous

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