From Entertainment Weekly-2008, Vanity Fair, Moviefone, ABC, Fuse, Today Show (2008), Borders, Collider, Chuck The Movie Guy, Jolie.de, Rome Film Festival, Canada , E! News, Extra TV, Canada's CTS, Nightline, MTV 2008 Rough Cuts, Talking Pictures, Tribute Movies, Access Hollywood.

The Twilight Saga Casting Rob and Kristen. Robert Pattinson's audition consisted of a love scene with Kristen Stewart on Hardwicke's bed. ''The room shorted out, the sky opened up, and I was like, 'This is going to be good.''. ''Her mixture of innocence and longing just knocked me out,'' Hardwicke says. Hoping she'd found her Bella, she took a red-eye flight to Pittsburgh — where Stewart, then 17, was shooting Greg Mottola's Adventureland — and did an impromptu screen test with the actress. ''She'd been shooting all night, but she learned her lines on the spot,'' Hardwicke says. ''She danced on the bed and chased pigeons in the park. I was captivated.' read more
Twilight: Will it be a hit?
''We're not even 5 percent of Potter sales. We're not even a toenail on that body,'' says director Catherine Hardwicke. ''Ours is a character film, a little more sophisticated teenage Romeo and Juliet.''
After seeing the first cut, the author's only real concern was that Edward and Bella's steamy kissing scene was too hot for the beginning of a relationship. ''You're not going to have anything to work with as the series continues,'' Meyer told Hardwicke, who cut the sexy wide shots in exchange for more chaste close-ups. ''In a weird way I think it's better,'' says Hardwicke. ''It's less like other movies.'' read more
Kristen Stewart: 2008 Q and A ''I usually don't look like such a skank, I danced on the bar there three nights this week, and my legs are covered in bruises,hopefully, the Twilight fans won't totally freak out.''
''We had to rewrite and improvise a lot of the most intense scenes, because Kristen will not say something if she doesn't feel good about it,'' recalls Hardwicke. ''Kristen is very tough and she does not tolerate bulls---.''
After being cast, Stewart performed a pivotal love scene on Hardwicke's bed with the four leading contenders for the role of Edward, including Robert Pattinson. ''Catherine liked a couple of the guys, and I was like, 'Are you joking? I can't do the movie unless Rob does it,''' Stewart says. ''He got it, and we could, like, see each other.'' As Hardwicke puts it, ''She would have strangled me if I didn't pick him.'' read more
Robert Pattinson: Interview with a Vampire
We did not have a good option [for casting Edward] until Rob came along. And the movie rests entirely on his shoulders.
Pattinson and Stewart's onscreen chemistry is crucial to the movie's success, so the actor can be forgiven if he acted smitten with his costar when the cameras weren't rolling. ''In the beginning I thought to myself, 'Because she's so serious, I've got to be really serious,''' he says. ''I didn't speak for about two months so I would seem really intense. I would only ever talk about the movie. And I kept recommending all these books. It didn't really work, though. Then I started falling apart and my character started breaking down. I felt like an idiot just following her around, saying, 'You really should read some Zola — and there's this amazing Truffaut movie.' And she started calling me on things: 'Have you actually watched this movie? Yeah? What's it about?' 'It's about a guy on a train.' 'Did you just look at the photo on the cover of the DVD?!''' On more than one occasion, Pattinson was overheard asking Stewart to marry him — proposals that the actress, who's had the same boyfriend since she was 16, got used to shrugging off. read more
Twilight. Where does the Fandemonoium Lead Now CH on Rob and Kristen. ''I think she's had a lot of trouble,'' says Hardwicke. ''She knows it's important, but it's not her favorite part of the job.'' Pattinson seems to have a better game face, drowsily mystified when teenage girls throw themselves onto his moving car or when Tyra Banks asks him to bite her neck on her talk show. He did have one flash of rebellion, however: ''I cannot wait to cut my hair,'' he told EW in September. ''It's so annoying! I was at a photo shoot the other day, and people were saying, 'They say we can't touch your hair. You have trademarked hair!' No, I don't.'' And so, despite the studio's request that his ragged mop not be touched, he cut off his hair in between press junkets. read more
Stephenie Meyer: 2007 Q and A - click
VanityFair: Twilight Zone Rob's Interview - click
What type of music do you play?
Van Morrison–ish, Jeff Buckley–ish stuff.
Kristen's Interview - click
Are you naturally clumsy like your character?
Well, I'm definitely not the most graceful being, but it's really difficult to be clumsy on cue. It's like physical comedy. It was fun.
Source: Twilightish
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