Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

GossipCop: Robert Pattinson Fake Sex Scene Mystery ‘Solved’ by Site That Made It Up

What a joke.
A few weeks ago, HollywoodLife invented the rumor about Robert Pattinson possibly using a body double in Breaking Dawn’s sex scene.

It was baseless speculation, and Gossip Cop busted it.
That was on June 9.
Three weeks passed.
Spring became summer.
And now, today, HollywoodLife claims to have “solved” the “mystery” behind the sex scene!
The site points to a Kellan Lutz interview with MTV in which Lutz talks about Pattinson training hard for the movie, and laughs off rumors that he served as a muscle “double” in the sequel’s shirtless scenes.

“We’re glad this issue has finally been cleared up,” declares HollywoodLife.

Yeah, what a relief!

Uh… except there WAS no “issue” until HollywoodLife MADE it an issue, let it linger for weeks, and then pretended to resolve it.

Gossip Cop thinks HollywoodLife should leave the busts to us and resume inventing the rumors and fake stories for which it’s famous.

Source: Gossip-Dance

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