Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

The Many Talents Of The Stars In The Twilight Universe

It is very well-known that the Twilight cast is a multi-talented bunch, particularly when it comes to music. Several of the Saga’s actors are notoriously musically-inclined, and in fact a couple of them are actively involved in performing on a regular basis. There are other skills floating around the cast, too.
So, to keep things streamlined (especially since every character in the Saga has been cast by now), here’s a run-through of the known castmembers who have major talents outside the thespian realm.

Robert Pattinson (“Edward Cullen”)
Almost no one would deny the fact that Robert Pattinson has a voice . . . especially after that lovely “Songs from a Room” performance, which was fully revealed last month.
Pattinson’s singing voice was featured twice on the soundtrack for Twilight (for songs he and his long-time pals wrote: “Never Think” and “Let Me Sign”). He was also featured on the soundtrack of his pre-Twilight indie How To Be (although the music there was intentionally so-so) a few times.
For a while there, it was heavily speculated whether Pattinson would ever venture into compiling his own music album, and many fans direly hope he would. Time shall tell . . .
Another talent Pattinson seems to have is a way with modeling for photographs. True enough, he did do a stint in modeling during his early days, and that has carried over quite well into the many, many photo-shoots we’ve seen from him (this one being my favorite; yours?).

Kristen Stewart (“Bella Swan”)
Kristen Stewart first displayed her penchant for music performance in the 2007 hit Into The Wild. She received a writing credit for one of the two songs (“Tracy’s Song”) performed in the film, and in 2010, she took it up a notch and portrayed Joan Jett in The Runaways, rocking out for a whopping eight songs on the soundtrack.
It is said that Kristen Stewart likes to “jam” in her spare time now, but the likelihood of her going pro with it outside of film is slim . . . Shame, right?
Continue reading on The many talents of our ‘Twilight’ stars - National Twilight |

Source: Twilightish

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