Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

'Twilight' Snubbed in 6 Categories by MTV Movie Awards

Most Twi-Hards today are celebrating the eight nominations received by "Eclipse" from the upcoming 2011 MTV Movie Awards, including Best MovieBest Male (Robert Pattinson AND Taylor Lautner) and Best Female(Kristen Stewart).

There were a whopping six of them in all: 
Best Villain, Best Comedic Performance, Best Line From a Movie, Best Jaw-Dropping Moment, Best Scared-As-S**t Performance and Biggest Badass Star.

The most glaring omission is here is that neither Bryce Dallas Howard nor Xavier Samuel were nominated for
Best Villain.

It's not easy taking over a character from another actress -- fans are always going to compare you to the previous version -- but Howard 
owned Victoria. And Samuel, he is nominated for Breakout Star, but why not here too?

Then there's 
Best Line From a Movie. Perhaps because the first two "Twilight" films gave us so many great lines, the members of the MTV Movies Awards Academy have just come to expect it. What about Edward's line: "Bella, would you please stop trying to take your clothes off?" Not only is that hilarious, it more or less sums up the entire "Twilight Saga" in one sentence.

(**Side note-- I thought Edward saying: "Doesn't he own a shirt?" should have been included as well!) -S-

In the 
Best Fight category, Robert Pattinson vs. Bryce Dallas Howard and Xavier Samuel was nominated, but it's not enough. The Cullens and Wolf Pack versus the Newborn Army should not only have been included, but also gone on to win by unanimous decision. It includes mortal enemies teaming up for the good of Bella. Plus, CGI wolves, decapitation, vampire moves… what more could you want?
Biggest Badass Star should have at least two nominations from "Eclipse." First, obviously, is Robert Pattinson. He took on two vampires at once and managed to save Bella. And Jackson Rathbone should also be included. If he had been, he'd definitely be the dark horse nominee to win. He trained the Cullens and Wolf Pack to fight the Newborns and kicked that Army's a** without flinching.
For Best Scared-As-S**t Performance, you don't think Jodelle Ferland's Bree Tanner was scared-as-s**t watching the Cullens and Wolf Pack take on the Newborns? And as if Bella wasn't totally peeing her pants while Edward battled Victoria and Riley?

Finally, there's 
Best Jaw-Dropping Moment. The Jacob and Bella kiss scene should be there. I knew it was coming and my jaw still went slack. I wanted to throw my Coke at the screen and yell "Skank!" but I couldn't. You know why? Because my jaw was dropped so far.

We'll still be watching the ceremony unfold on June 5. Will you?

For article in its entirety, please visit: 

Source : Via!

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