Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Taylor Lautner & Lily Collins Still Going Strong

Taylor Lautner was spotted arriving at LAX the other night, and he certainly wasn't alone!

The Twilight star has been hibernating in Baton Rouge, La., and flew home with girlfriend Lily Collins in tow earlier this week.

Would you believe these two are getting quasi-serious?

Lily and Tay have quietly been seeing each other for several months now while filming Abduction.

As we told you back in November, Lily was making super-secret visits to the Breaking Dawn set to visit T.L., and they have even already met each other's families.

Must say, we love us some Taylor Swift, but we were never fond of Tay-Squared. Hopefully, anyone who saw Valentine's Day understands why, but in general, they were just too high-profile for our taste.

Seems like with this more clandestine relaysh, Lautner's taken a cue from his good buddies Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

You know, don't straight-up confirm your romantic status, go out to quiet restaurants rather than sceney ones and stay away from staged photo ops.

We're curious how Taylor and Lily will handle the questions once Abduction's promotion starts, but here's hoping they continue following in Robsten's footsteps. Right?

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